Thursday, October 18, 2012

Last 25-09-2012, our student César Ramos presented his Final Year Project called "ERTC", a simple POSIX prototype COSME implementation for non real time platforms.
A good addition to the COSME platform, and a real nice work. Congratulations!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A COSME demo client application shows up in a Raspberry Pi

After having installed OpenJDK, trying to execute an existing COSME client demo was the next logical step.
Fortunately, this java UI demo run smoothly but, as the X windowing is *still* not hardware accelerated, the impact on the CPU was pretty high. We look forward to see this topic solved in the near future. Then, the raspberry will be a good choice when an inexpensive UI terminal is needed (=> which is always ;-)

On the server side, a few experiments are still on the way... A non RT COSME implementation is expected to be tried in the near future.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our first Raspberry-Pi finally arrived!!

It will be nice to have a COSME/ IEC 61499 device this cheap.
Let's see how capable it ends up being!

Another one in the planet.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Last May 17th, we could (at last) order a Raspberry Pi.
Hope to have a COSME prototype working on it soon some day...